

Your Aesthetic

"Beauty" is a required credit in life, allowing oneself to create the look they like and live life in the most comfortable way they prefer. "Your Aesthetics" uses black font as the base and adds flowing lines, just like the aesthetic appearance that naturally flows in everyday life.


『現代人的心靈出口』 解憂福利社是由一群長期關注心理健康議題的團隊所組成, 希望能提供一個讓人放心說出心裡話的平台,傾聽、陪伴有需求的社會大眾。 本專案為公益型的募資專案,於嘖嘖募資平台上線服務 內容涵蓋產品設定.募資頁面圖文設計.廣告投放規劃。 在圖文設計方面透過插畫式的風格以說故事的手法清楚呈現解憂福利社歷年來的成果以及本次的募資目的。

Home Run Taiwan Design of News Map Special Topic Webpage

『屬於我們的故事,我們一起說』 Home Run Taiwan報導地圖專題以台灣各地的人物故事為主題, 延伸多篇細膩感人文章內容 我們透過以漫畫、繪圖等插畫風格呈現不同的生態議題, 並於背景穿插多種台灣名勝景點.美食 在互動式網頁中呈現各個城市的 讓更多人看到並更了解台灣。

Dongmian Brand Design

『陪你一起暖呼呼』 東眠以羽絨被為主要銷售產品,品牌強調舒服帶給人們好睡眠,希望人們在冷冷的冬夜裡也能溫暖的入睡好眠。

Promised Land Brand Design

一款由東海大學師生共同創造的蜂蜜產品,在東海美麗的校園中孕育而生, 結合教育與在地創生。Logo設計以蜂巢為發想。包裝整體配色以綠、黃色配色呈現大自然的美好。

Zhi-Yi-Xing-Ran Brand Design


The Great Tofu Festival in Daxi


Datong Warm Air Heater Product Video

暖風|烘被|烘衣|送風|除蟎 集結五大功能,融化冬天的冰冷,小小一台,就能給你滿滿溫暖,產品具有安心斷電與七段定時設計,提供最安心的居家防護,有別於傳統的暖爐或烘被機輸風管、電線外露的設計,大同暖烘機電線、軟管皆可收納於機身之中,而輕巧迷你的體積外型可輕鬆收納於縫隙或畸零空間,滿足各式空間收納使用需求。

Conceptual Design of Public Art for Xinpu Elementary School

The concept of this project is based on the diverse and balanced education features of Xinpu Elementary School and the lively atmosphere of the school environment, as well as the mysterious and childlike design characteristics of the Four-Dimensional Animal Gods in the Four-Dimensional Park. Three main areas are set up, including the central courtyard, the lawn on the right side of the hallway, and the first and second-floor corridors of the library. The concept of the artwork is based on the school's special classes such as dance, music, art, and baseball teams, and incorporates the spirit of Xinpu Elementary School's school emblem of kindness, enthusiasm, and patience, metaphorically representing Xinpu Elementary School as a place where talented people are nurtured and demonstrating its achievements in diverse development.

Neck fan with two hands

『輕時尚氛圍』 Neck fan with two hands是一款輕巧兼具時尚的風扇, 我們針對此特性塑造出輕時尚的氛圍,影片的色調清新自然, 再配背景音樂上特別選用具有時尚感的曲風。 在片段中詳細的帶出產品的使用特色,讓消費者一目了然。