Conceptual Design of Public Art for Xinpu Elementary School

The concept of this project is based on the diverse and balanced education features of Xinpu Elementary School and the lively atmosphere of the school environment, as well as the mysterious and childlike design characteristics of the Four-Dimensional Animal Gods in the Four-Dimensional Park. Three main areas are set up, including the central courtyard, the lawn on the right side of the hallway, and the first and second-floor corridors of the library. The concept of the artwork is based on the school's special classes such as dance, music, art, and baseball teams, and incorporates the spirit of Xinpu Elementary School's school emblem of kindness, enthusiasm, and patience, metaphorically representing Xinpu Elementary School as a place where talented people are nurtured and demonstrating its achievements in diverse development.

lego cube

『隨身空間的最大化利用』 LEGO CUBE為一款可擴充式的模組行動電源,針對每次外出的使用情境不同, 使用者可依照的需求調整尺寸及電量,並配合不同的配件延伸出不同的功能。

Washroom brush Redesign

『解體重組』 浴室廁所的刷具總是讓人感到潮濕髒亂? 重新定義刷具擺放方式,利用立式基座將刷具直立擺放以解決舊有刷具需靠牆放或打釘掛在牆上之困擾

resistance band

『從美體到健美,一應具全』 是一款針對新時代都會女性設計的可組合式多段強度調節彈力帶 依據使用者習慣.想強化的部位